
Showing posts from May 9, 2019

Day 3

Group picture in from of the Party Tree at Hobbiton Connie and her 21st Birthday   We started out this morning heading to a dairy farm owned by Grant Wills by Matamata on the North Island. They winter 700 cows and 180 replacement heifers on 244 hectares. Their diets include mainly grass, but they also feed a mixed ration consisting of corn silage, tapioca, palm kernel extract, bread byproduct, dry distiller grain solubles, grass silage, and whole kiwi fruit as a high energy source. The cattle love the sweet taste of the kiwi and will usually sort that out first. Their pastures are mainly ryegrass and white clover. In New Zealand, they have an input scale of 1-5, 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest amount of input. Grant’s farm is considered a 4 or 5 because they feed so many ingredients. Whole Kiwi feedstuff Palm Kernel Extract They supply their milk to Fonterra, which is a dairy manufacturing cooperative, of which he owns shares in equal to the am...